Recent News:
We are pleased to announce that two websites, a Fire District, certain people involved with that particular Fire
District and a few others are being named in harrassment and defamation lawsuits and possibly other criminal action for the
undue harrassment, defamation, libellous and slanderous content that has been spoken and written about our Department, certain
members of our Department and the Administration of our Department. These individuals and organizations have completely broken
our Constitutional Rights and Civil Rights as a Department and to our personnell.
Those names involved that have been released to be known to the public are:
The names of the various other individuals as well as the Fire District that has been named to be involved has not been
released to the public yet.
The individuals responsible for supplying such false and harrassing information to the two above mentioned websites are
also named in the litigation lawsuits and criminal action.
Both of these websites must be total idiots to even collect and display such nonsense about our Department and
our personnell.
Neither of these websites can even start to realize the problems they have caused for themselves just
for displaying such content about our Department and the individual the websites speak of.
As it still stands, our Attorneys are still gathering sufficient evidence as well as collecting the registrant information
of the individuals that operate the websites through the website registrars.
We will be keeping current and updated information regarding the litigation suits and thier outcomes on our website and
other media will probably be doing the same.
Maybe through the use of litigation, people will deter from talking nonsense about people they know absolutely nothing
about, cannot prove anything they talk about other than hearsay and will start checking FACTS before they go harrassing our
Department and its personnell.
The fellow on, allegedly from Omaha Nebraska apparently does not even know Arizona Laws and certainly
has no right in acting like he does. Neither does Mr. William Schumm (or is it SCUM?) from
It has been noticed that on thier websites all they talk is garbage about other individuals, whether it is true or not but
yet in the Policeposers website disclaimer he mentions something about "defamatory" and "flaming" or "harrassing content" and how he does
not permit it. After looking through his website defamation and harrassing content is all one will see. These guys really must
have been one seriously hurt at one time in thier lives. Either that or they are quite "mentally challenged" and have
nothing else to do but sit behind a computer screen night after night talking smack about people they have never seen nor met. We
have came to the conclusion that maybe they get thier rocks off by defaming and conducting aggravated harrassment on others. Things such as that really excite and grab attention for weirdos such as them.
It is for this reasoning, we are pushing this litigation suit on them. Not only for that reasoning but for other reasoning
as well. Maybe the fact that such content is just not correct and you simply cannot talk logic with people like this as their
ears are closed to reasoning. Instead they want to believe what other idiots tell them and even those idiots do not know exactly
what they are talking about.
These guys have absolutely not a thread of evidence of how many personnell we have or any other sufficient information other than what theyve been "told" Notice they never mention how those charges was dropped. No, instead they want to continue on accusing us of how much of a "fraud" we supposedly are and how we are not 'this' and not 'that'. They both have no business
talking smack about any of our business nor its members and/or Administration Staff and the person they talk so libellously
about on thier websites did not use any of those names for anything and was never convicted of such conduct nor was "banned off
Ebay". The individual changed thier Ebay account due to the undue harrassment over such simple matters!
There is a big difference between "accused" and "convicted". The person may have been accused of such crimes but was
not convicted becuase the State of Arizona dropped the charges due to false accusation and no evidence. The accusations was by the local Fire
District, a few of its members and a few others in and around the Community that just wanted to start problems for the individual
in order to try and drive the individual and Department out of the area. A "scare tactic" if you will.
We know who all these individuals are that caused all of the problems. As for any "trials" or "hearings" or such that
they have stated on thier websites, NO SUCH THING. How can there be a "trial coming up in the spring" when the charges was
dropped by the State of Arizona? haha! Something else the idiots of and should use thier minds about, if they even have one in which we strongly doubt!
We also like how he (the 27 yo (or so) fellow that operates the POLICEPOSERS.COM domain) complains so much about "misspelled
words" and such. What a real loser he is or must be. We have researched him as being "rabidjade" and that particular username
has been showing up in alot of various types of online forums defaming people. We are not at liberty to list the forums he
has been seen in due to the forum owners privacy.
One last thing that really touched our hearts here at the BCVFD is how on 'RabidJades' "Policeposers" website, regarding some email he recieved
how he discussed his website with his Attorney and that he knows what he is doing"! haha! IF an Attorney is THAT bad
in telling thier clients that its alright to defamate and harrass others the way he has us and our members then
we would not want that Attorney even representing us and we would suggest they go through the State Bar Exam again!
Think about this folks! Think about who is the frauds and the jokers here please. It is certainly not us
but we would sure like to thank those at and for thier
entertainment and giving us the spotlight! Our hats tipped to you two screwballs! :-)
Now for all you honest to goodness caring people out there, if you think and are totally
wrong in thier libel and slander about us and the certain individual they so graciously and libellously talks smack
about, please give us a kind word in our guestbook! Let us know that they are the real phoneys out there (
and DO RECORD IP ADDRESSES AND YOUR LOCATION for those that want to continue leaving us harrassing content.
If you doubt our legality, we welcome anyone to check out our ACC filing
number and our FEIN number. ACC number is 13456550 and our FEIN is 20-8391373. We will be posting our federal
tax exemption letter of determination on our site soon so please continue to look for it.
You cannot just make this information up and none of it be searchable on governmental websites. About
and and the comments they made on thier sites about our governmental plates, we did not at anytime force
or "trick" the Arizona government into issuing us governmental plates as the Firegeezer. com and websites
have falsely accused us of.
The Arizona government recognizes you as a Fire Department if you can provide sufficient proof of paperwork, such
as APPROVED Articles of Incorporation through the Arizona Corporation Commission and a "Good Standing Certificate" in which
we have both.
The Arizona Department of Transportation CANNOT issue any types of plates without first having sufficient proof of vehicle
insurance, in which we promptly showed in order to obtain our plates. Anyone that knows the Arizona vehicle insurance laws
will know this. Folks, these types of plates (govermental plates), or ANY plates for that matter are not just "given
away" by the DMV without sufficient and positive proof of some sort of paperwork BY a legitimate agency to prove you ARE a
legitimate agency. That goes for getting your plates PLUS getting your vehicles registered. ALL of our vehicles is registered
as "EMERGENCY VEHICLES" which means we had to provide proper evidence that we was a legimate Department as the DMV will never
make any vehicle an emergency vehicle without first showing proper evidence. This is just examples of how much slander and
libel these individuals and websites spew and dont even realize what they are speaking about.
THIS is how we recieved our plates! Get your stories straight and as you will be having
to show just cause of your accusations and why you said them before a court of law.
This is in no way intended as a "scare tactic" but something that IS happening so believe what you must.
Regardless of whether an attorney says not to speak of the case, we feel the public has the right to know just who is
in the right and who was in the wrong and if it was our Department or the individual you speak about on your websites that
was in the wrong then it would seem we would not still be a Department and the individual that stood accused and not ever
convicted due to FALSE ACCUSATIONS that the State of Arizona seen and dropped, would have already been convicted!
Even though there is much much more "tall tales" that these two websites have spoken and not been able to prove, we will
not discuss or reveal other little bits of information on thier websites that would hurt our case against them.
Thanks so much!